Financial Arrangements and Fees
Financial Arrangements and Fees
Netherclay is committed to providing a comprehensive and caring service whilst also delivering value for money.
Our fee structure depends on the type of accommodation required, and the type of care package taking into account needs of the individual resident.
A resident can pay the fees either privately or in arrangement with Social Services or the NHS.
The rules can be complicated and specialist advice should be taken. Information is available through either Care Direct or Age Concern.
Age Concern has considerable experience and knowledge of the rights and needs of the elderly.
Age Concern – Tel: 01823 345610
Care Direct (Social Services help and information line) have considerable experience and will be able to provide links to the right people.
Care Direct – Tel: 0345 155 1007
Payment of Fees and Fee Increases
Fees for self-funding residents will usually be reviewed annually in April. Any Increases in fees are either the result of inflation within the care sector, for the provision of additional care and service, or as a result of environmental factors beyond our control.
Attendance Allowance
Residents in a residential home are entitled to Attendance Allowance in order to help with the cost of care.
Currently Attendance Allowance is paid by the government and is not means tested. Payments are made at either the lower level – for those who require help during the day – and at the higher level – for those requiring help during the day and night.
Netherclay House can help and advise on the application for Attendance Allowance. The Benefits Agency will send any Attendance Allowances due directly to the resident which can be used to pay fees.