Our Local Partners

Signposting you to the people who can advise and help

Our Trusted Partners

We have developed national and local partnerships with organisations who, alongside us, support older people living independently in their own homes. As well as advice, help and assistance, some of these groups provide a social network for meeting people.

West Buckland Friendship Club – Somerset Active Living

01823 618113

Run by: Dennis Cottle

Meets first Thursday of the month at 10.30am

Friendship Centre Diary Taunton

Meets at Ruishton Village Hall on the third Thursday of the month at 2pm

Social Activities – Taunton U3A

Meets second Monday of every month at 10.30am

Headway Somerset

A brain injury charity – seek referal through your GP

01823 444829

Somerset Sight

01823 333818

Compass Disability Services

01823 282823

Dementia Somerset

Dementia Somerset can signpost you to a number of local services who may be able to help:

Many of these services are available nationally and Alzheimer’s Society’s can be really helpful.

Alzheimer’s Society

National Helpline: 0300 222 11 22

Email: helpline@alzheimers.org.uk

Memory Cafe


Meets every other Tuesday at 10.30am at St James Church Hall, St James Street, Taunton TA1 1JS

Wellington Stroke Club

Tel: 01823 663014 Contact: John Angus

Breathe Easy: Taunton

Meets at Taunton Baptist Church, Silver Street, Taunton, TA1 3DH on the third Wednesday of the month at 2pm.

Taunton Deane Federation of GP’s: Integrating voluntary Groups with your GP surgery.

Drop in Sessions for anyone living in the Taunton Deane area for sign posting, advice & support from: Stroke Association, Age UK Somerset, Diabetes UK, Parkinsons UK, Compass Disability, Alzheimers Society, Mind, Somerset Sight.