Choosing the right care

With all the care options out there, why choose home care?

Choosing the care that is right for you

Care is a very personal choice. Some people prefer the idea of staying at home while others like the security and safety of living in a home. Running a group of homes and a home care business, we see it from both perspectives.

Of course, the type of care you choose is often determined by your needs and if you have been referred to care by a social worker or medical professional, it is likely that they will have talked you through the options available. If you are unclear on these options you can arrange a consultation with one of our knowledgeable coordinators. With advanced services such as our 24-hour live-in care, many situations which traditionally would have been easier to manage in a nursing environment, can be managed at home with the aid of the district nurse.

The differences between home care and residential care

Of course, cost can be a deciding factor when people are considering care. There is a cost difference between home care and care in a residential setting, but there are other key differences that should be considered when weighing up care options too.

Residential care means moving into a care facility where 24-hour care is available: this can be clinical care in nursing homes or support from highly trained carers in residential homes. Many situations can be managed at home. However residential care is a better solution for high-dependency clients who require round the clock care while home care tends to be more suitable if you are still able to perform some home duties at home (with or without assistance.) Aside from these determining factors some people might choose residential over home care and vice versa.

Social life and emotional well being could be a deciding factor when considering care. Of course, the advantage for home care is that there is little disruption to the client. Staying at home, you don’t have the stress of moving into a new environment and making new friends. But this can go both ways. Loneliness is a major concern amongst the elderly and if a person is isolated while remaining at home, moving to a care home environment – where group social activities are organised daily – can be a boon to mental health.

Every person is different, though, and home care itself can be all the social contact that an individual needs: a regular carer provides friendship and companionship. Equally, a well-structured home care plan can enable you to continue engaging or reengage with your community: you can keep in touch with neighbours, friends and relatives with ease and attend clubs or meetings as you wish. We run also run social initiatives within our home care community such as our cake sales, film nights at our homes, day trips and the Big Lunch.

Call us on 01823 668400 or email to discuss what care is right for you.

Choosing the right home care company

Once you’ve decided on home care, you need to choose the right company for you. Of course, your first port of call in the South West of England should be the Care Quality Commission (CQC). CQC is an independent regulator that publishes frequent inspection reports. “Good” or “Outstanding” are excellent ratings in the home care. is also an excellent resource where you can read reviews from verified home care clients.

Netherclay Home Care is an independent, family business and we have operated care services in Somerset and East Devon for almost 50 years. We have delivered home care in the community for over 25 years. We are local so our knowledge of the Taunton, Wellington, Bridgewater and the surrounding villages on the Devon/Somerset border is second to none. And because we are not a franchise or a large group our approach remains person-centred and tailored to each individual. Netherclay Home Care is an excellent choice for those seeking home care in the south west of England.